martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Perfiles. Yiannis Kouros.


"Yiannis Kouros (born February 13, 1956 in Tripoli, Greece) is a Greek ultramarathon runner based in Melbourne. He is sometimes called the "Running God" or the "Pheidippides Successor". He holds every men's world record from 100 to 1,000 miles, from 200 to 1,600 km, and from 24 hours to 10 days. In 1991, Yiannis starred as Pheidippides in the movie A Hero's Journey about the history of marathon running.

Yiannis has also contributed many literary and musical works, including over 1,000 poems (several of which appear in his book, Symblegmata (Clusters)), and the book The Six-Day Run of the Century.

Tributes to Yiannis come from the world over, including from the Indian ultrarunner Arun Bhardwaj who named his son Yiannis.

World records
According to the International Association of Ultrarunners, on the 27 June 2005.

100 miles Road 11h 46min 37s
1000 km Track 5d 16h 17min 00s
1000 km Road 5d 20h 13min 40s
1000 miles Road 10d 10h 30min 36s

Time races
12 h Road 162.543 km
12 h Track 162.400 km
24 h Track 303.506 km
24 h Road 290.221 km
48 h Track 473.797 km
6 days Road 1036.80 km
6 days Road 1028.370 km"

Ultras uruguayos Luis Ekker (izq) y Héctor Yeritano (der) con Yannis Kouros (medio) en el mundial de 100k de Italia 2008.

Antorcha olímpica

- Ver una biografía completa (en inglés)

Yannis Kouros 24 hs Worschache

fuente: Wikipedia

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